
As a christian, we should only be dependent upon God, not the world. Whether that’s materialism or acceptance, but being a human being means we are in the world, and have to partake in it. I don’t say that coming from a place of being better than anyone. I am far from perfect. I do take identity in my art though. I have been an artist of many mediums since I could draw. That’s what I started with. Drawing, painting, computer graphics and finally landing on photography. I love the land. I absolutely cherish being in the mountains and rugged coast lines and being able to share those exploratory and quite moments with my wife and clients. I am very blessed and grateful of my clients. 99% of them are amazing. Life is just so up and down and it really shouldn’t matter because my identity should always be in Christ, not the world or my photography, but that’s easier said than done at times. My clients are far more to me than money. I appreciate their confidence in me and want to please them with their photos, my passion of people and photography, and dedication to the entire artistic process. It doesn’t matter what I am photographing, I love my clients, photography and the freedom from the stresses of the world. Consistency is key, but not from false entities. Sometimes I ramble, so hopefully this makes sense. I am just extremely grateful for photography and that I can share it with people is some form or another.